
What else is there

There’s a distinct possibility that in reading this post at this very moment, I’m not getting your full attention. Not to undermine my own efforts here, but is there somewhere else you should be right now? Something else your brain should be focused on? You know I love that you take the time to check

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What else is there

There’s a distinct possibility that in reading this post at this very moment, you are not only benefitting yourself immensely and contributing towards your overall well-being (I mean, obviously…ahem), but also engaging in a secondary effort. Not to undermine my own efforts here, but is there somewhere else you should be right now? Something else

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You do you

When I was a kid, the surest way to make anything more fun (besides adding ice cream) was to tell me I was allowed to bring a friend. Spend the afternoon being dragged around town running errands with grownups? Fine, if I can bring a friend. Chores, homework, long lines for anything, anywhere? No problem,

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Look here

One of the immediate benefits of a mindfulness practice is that it can make you feel more calm. Even just a few minutes of intentional breathing or focused attention can slow your heart rate, regulate circulation, and shift your body from “fight or flight” into “rest and digest” mode. Many people who engage in regular

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