
Ride it out

We live in time when things can change fast. Everything moves fast, from transportation to communication, and as a result, so do we. Our bodies move around from one place to the next, fulfilling jam-packed agendas, “multi-tasking” along the way. (You know I put that quotes because there’s really no such thing…see bullet #3.) Our […]

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I will tell you what…those of us whose work involves the practice of stress management in some shape or form have had our work cut out for us lately. Life usually throws us enough curveballs in this day and age to keep us all bobbing and weaving through the stress gauntlet, but lately, there have

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Gotta have it

Last year around this time, I wrote a post about “acceptance, and the lack thereof.” Acceptance is a Buddhist concept often incorporated into mindfulness (which is not an explicitly Buddhist practice), that basically encourages you to be real about the circumstances around you. Struggling with whether things should or shouldn’t be the way they are

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If, as Socrates allegedly said, the “the unexamined life is not worth living,” then my guess is that logic would lead you to say that your life lately must be pretty worthwhile. Even more, Socrates was on trial when he said it – an exam, a test and a mental endurance challenge all in one.

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Alternate route

I didn’t used to be a very good decision maker. I spent a lot of time weighing the pros and cons of different options, and somehow would still come away seeing how they all could work. What makes this especially ironic is that my job for over a decade was largely about making decisions, and

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